Hubtobee solutions as agility agitators

If the multiplication of neuronal connections makes the intelligence more agile, it is certainly the same for the multiplication of human connections in the company that makes it more efficient as well.
This is what Maurice Lévy wanted to say with his famous: « No silo, no solo, no bozo ! ». As for Elon Musk, he denounces the compartmentalization of traditional internal communication between colleagues in companies:
“If we cannot compete with big car manufacturers by their size, we can on the other hand with our intelligence and agility… Managers must be careful never to create silos within the organization, which result in reflections of the type “we versus others” and by barriers preventing the healthy flow of information.
“I know that the creation of such silos is a natural reflex, yet everyone must fight fiercely against this trend. And this, by beginning to realize that the slightest barrier between departments and between people represents an obstacle to collective success.”
“We are all on the same boat. Each of us must therefore work for the common good, and no longer for his own department. ”
That being said, the decompartmentalization must not only be declared but especially structured to become a reality!
This is how the interior architectural spaces promote more and more well-being and interpersonal communication in the headquarters.
Digital tools simplify communication to one’s own workgroups.
Organic structures replacing pyramidal structures, and the “liberation” of companies by the social empowerment of colleagues also make the silos fall.
Hubtobee is an integral part of this variety of innovative tools, Agility Agitators.
How ? By revealing, in the photographic sense, all the daily flows of the journeys of all the colleagues of a company: these flows create an evolutionary map of possible points of contact between travelers and sedentary people which are as many opportunities for networking and coworking.
“Tell me where you’re going, I’ll tell you who’s there.”
And never again “if only I knew you were there!” Or even “that you existed!”
And this decompartmentalization takes a dynamic inter-regional and international dimension by exploiting the digital to provoke face to face so precious in the human relation and for the team spirit.
Benoit Rabourdin
CEO Hubtobee