What Hubtobee brings to business travel agencies

What do we request from an agency specialized in the management of business travel? To book trips, to reduce costs and CO2 emissions and to ensure the safety and comfort of travelers.
But finally, these issues aren’t they antinomic? The cheapest trip, the most responsible and the most comfortable is still the one that does not take place! The first question we should ask ourselves when we travel is “Is this trip really necessary?”.
So, what if you could travel without even moving? If the “O” journey is neither realistic nor desirable, a paradigm shift is possible. I’m not talking about video-conferencing but a new alternative: having visibility on the business trips of your colleagues and being notified when they go to the same location as yours.
That way, not only you optimize the calendar of your colleagues who travels but also, you allow other colleagues not to have to travel because their meeting come to them!
Small cause, great effects: your colleagues travel less and better, creating significant savings.
This alternative is what Hubtobee offers. And it opens up new business models for business travel agencies.
Vincent Lebunetel
Ex vice président corporate innovation de Carlson Wagonlit TRAVEL